That was a complete joke and waste of taxpayers money?
No court in the world would allow Ford to testify, it's 36 year old farce.
No court in the world would allow Ford to testify, it's 36 year old farce.
1. That Kavanaugh was drunk since Kavanaugh admitted he drank beer and liked beer when he was a teenager
2. That Kavanaugh was at a party with girls on weekends, since he admitted that he was partying on weekends with girls.
People either corroborate Dr. Ford's story or give us this song and dance about how they "don't know Mr. Kavanaugh and don't recall" enough for them to give uncomfortable testimony.
Kavanaugh vs Christine Ford. Who won? Did America win or lose as a result?
I don't get it. People are just crazy about this story, I could not care less. I don't see what the big deal is. Is I the sex allure of the story? (but even then this happened back during the early 80s when they were like teeny boppers? Who cares?)
Added (1). he could even come up with a ruling to kick all these illegals out of the country? Do you think he would?
If Kavanaugh's wife knows him to be innocent then why would Ford's accusations have destroyed his family?
Mitchell concludes her questions by categorizing Ford as a trauma survivor. She really ripped her to shreds, eh?
Why hasn't Dr. Ford sworn out a Police complaint yet on Judge Kavanaugh? Local Police haven't heard anything from her in over 36 years?
Did Christine Blasey Ford seem credible even though she had no evidence or corroboration to her claims against Kavanaugh?
Any Democrat women do NOT believe Christine Blasey Ford and why?