Did Christine Blasey Ford seem credible even though she had no evidence or corroboration to her claims against Kavanaugh?

Did Christine Blasey Ford seem credible even though she had no evidence or corroboration to her claims against Kavanaugh?

There's not going to be evidence.duh

She followed her script rather well. I still think we should have hired an actress for the part.

No, she was a laughable failure.

I'm guessing something happened to her; maybe. It's a shame that the DNC would stoop to this level. They don't care about women or anything else.

She was 100% credible and i fell for it

guess who needs to be investigated by the fb… I
no they can't be trusted.
they are in on it

It is obvious she was coached.

Completely credible, except for the parts that she contradicted herself/her story.

Something happened to the girl way back when, the memories are surfacing, that much is sure. The issue is, when they start, they intertwine themselves with other events and people, one is still trying to protect themselves from the truth. It is obvious that is the stage that she is still in, which means even if she believes what she is saying, it does not make it true. She has a lot more therapy to go through digging for the truth, before she will have a real clue as to what it is. Her degree says she knows and understands this, her actions do not.

No. Her and her product placement Coke bottle didn't seem credible to me.

I watched most of her "testimony" and am recording the entire day's events for viewing later. She sounded quite credible (believable) to me. I'm eager to see how the remainder of this day's proceedings but I'm too busy to watch it all at this moment. I shall continue tonight.
I doubt any real evidence will be presented by either side.