What are the MAIN REASONS that people are so interested in the Ford vs Kavannaugh testimony?

I don't get it. People are just crazy about this story, I could not care less. I don't see what the big deal is. Is I the sex allure of the story? (but even then this happened back during the early 80s when they were like teeny boppers? Who cares?)

Added (1). he could even come up with a ruling to kick all these illegals out of the country? Do you think he would?

A lifetime appointment to the supreme court is a big deal. Ethically and morally how he deals with this now as a supposedly mature adult, we want a good person in that position.

Unless you are 8, you should know why.

Honestly and speaking for myself… I just don't want Kavenough on the Supreme Court. I don't like his ideology or past judgements. I could care less about the reason why he's not confirmed, just so long as it he's not confirmed.

Before you demonize me, I'm the only one on both sides that's being honest here… Just saying, I don't do fake outrage, nor do I pretend ones sides tactics are any better then the other

Edit: I suspect I'll get the most down votes here? You're all so fake it's hilarious

Most people aren't interested in it. Most people are ignoring it.

It's because a Supreme Court judge is really a huge deal, and they really are some of the last resorts, they Should be above reproach and independent. It's for life and has huge ramifications for decades.

Then why create a post here? I don't really care but it's on the air on all the major networks so there goes the reason.

It is a US Supreme Court confirmation hearing of a Federal judge responsible to determine Constitutional issues, and he does have a history of political motivated actions. Women make up half the country and Kavanaugh would have potential of overturning Roe v Wade and sexual related allegations are relevant and news today.
It is about Kavanaugh's claims of bad memory yet concurrent denial. Many cases of sexual abuse re coming out from years ago when people hid and buried the subject.

This is about INTEGRITY, not prosecution for criminal penalties. It is about lies and who is doing it, as Trump count is in the thousands puts scrutiny on everything he does and says and he is supporting Kavanugh and dissing the hearings while MCConnell wants to bury the investigation.
Either the GOP sees this as trivial, or knows he is guilty and wants to bury it. Both should be fought by people who believe in honest government. It's about principles and integrity, lacking today in our government operation.

I'm interested because Kavannaugh is very religious and his decisions will set back women's issues to a hundred years ago. Unfortunately in the US, religion controls politics.

Most of the country has become polarized and intense about their polarization.
Thank you Trump.

This trail is the essential battle of good-vs-evil.
Liberals see the Republicans as evil.
Conservatives see the Democrats as evil.
And whoever "wins" this battle will be triumphant and whoever loses will be even more furious.

Yeah, I could care less about the sexual content.
The question is. Is this man qualified to sit on the Supreme Court for the rest of his life? And will politicians be diligent about making sure he IS qualified, or will they break rules and try to push it through regardless?

This dude is a supreme court judge lol kind of a big deal