That was a complete joke and waste of taxpayers money?

No court in the world would allow Ford to testify, it's 36 year old farce.


You have evidence for that claim? Do tell.

He's not in court, grasshopper

And here is the example oi the clueless rantings of a loon. Kavanaugh is not on trial.

You are correct about one thing, it is a waste of taxpayer's money. Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration

Do you want to live in a country where sexual assault is trivialized, and the victims are blamed & shamed?

If so keep voting for Republicans.

Ford has ZERO evidence.

It isn't a trial or a court. It is deciding whether or not Kavanaugh has the qualifications and character to sit on the SC for the rest of his life.

Ford got destroyed.

Well, then good thing this is not a court proceeding. It's a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing… A glorified, formal job interview, as another user has so adroitly pointed out.

Democrats waste taxpayer money? NEVER!

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