If Kavanaugh's wife knows him to be innocent then why would Ford's accusations have destroyed his family?
If Kavanaugh's wife knows him to be innocent then why would Ford's accusations have destroyed his family?
Because of the insults and death threats to his family; the pressure on his children, etc.
Family =/= spouse only
Liberals don't care about female victims. They care about SOME female victims.
If your family was constantly receiving threats against their lives it wouldn't be in very good shape either…
Destroyed is a harsh word that should only be used in a Transformers cartoon series.
You leftists ATTACK people while they are eating dinner with their family and you ask this question? There were death threats to his DAUGHTER and you ask this question?
Hey dogstar? What are you talking about?
You keep posting on my comments over nothing. Makes no sense at all.
Have you lost your mental faculties? I don't even have a "snowflake" post here.
Can you stop harassing me? If not, I'm going to have to block you.
Because liberals are sending death threats to him and his family
Reputations are important and people are calling them all kinds of vial names over this.
Are you really this dumb?
Because you sent them death threats.
Liberals could care less about people, They only want power
Cause you evil liberals keep calling her and saying your gonna kill her and her children
- Would the most patriotic thing all those around the President could do be to completely ignore all his commands and attempt to convince him? To resign for the good of the country? Then, Pence could pardon him for all crimes (just like Ford pardoned Nixon) and the country will be safe once again.
- Would it help Judge Kavanaugh if I claimed that I had touched drunk Ms. Ford back in 1982 and not him? Like Ms. Ford I have no proof either. So we're even on that. And she says she was dead drunk, so she doesn't know who really touched her. I will take one for the team, since the statutes of limitations have ran out 29 years ago. Make America great again!
- Wasn't not being able to testify against his wife the key reason Ford's husband backed her lies? Ford, who didn't tell her best friend who she told everything or her husband while they were dating obviously was a twisted drunken loner full of hate and anger
- Regarding Brett Kavanaugh, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? People have been verbally slaughtering him and he hasn't been found guilty of anything. And no, the republicans haven't been stifling anything. Dianne Feinstein did stifle, though, when she sat on this letter from Christine Blasey Ford for 6 weeks. You'd think that she'd think that letter would be important to the FBI in vetting Kavanaugh. But nope! She drops this at the 11th hour.