Why hasn't Dr. Ford sworn out a Police complaint yet on Judge Kavanaugh? Local Police haven't heard anything from her in over 36 years?
Why hasn't Dr. Ford sworn out a Police complaint yet on Judge Kavanaugh? Local Police haven't heard anything from her in over 36 years?
She never wanted to go public. In fact, the only reason she finally came forward is because reporters were camping outside her house, and approaching her friends, and sneaking into the classes she taught. There was no way for Dr. Ford to avoid it, so she confronted it head-on.
Being a victim is something you keep to yourself. Who reports a crime?
Because the local Police are not driven by political motives and would arrest her for filing a fraudulent complaint.
Ford visited the white house in 1980 to protest something.
Before she turned 15.
according to wiki.
Try paying attention. She said why she never did.
Because its not true
Just stop. Really, just stop.
How would you know that? Just making sh! T up again?
No statute of limitations on this one per Maryland law.
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?
- Has Ford gone on the record yet with a sworn statement? Now she does not want to show up this Thursday. It is starting to look like she does not want to be sworn in. Look, I thought we needed to hear her story, and see if there's any evidence, and weigh it all. But, she is not telling the story. So far it is all hearsay.
- BREAKING: FBI hasn't interviewed Kavanaugh or Ford because White House hasn't given investigators clear authority to do so. Is this? So-called "investigation" turning into nothing more than political cover for Trump and McConnell to claim due diligence while plowing ahead with Kavanaugh's confirmation?
- Are you surprised the right hasn't tried to come up with anything for Michael Avenatti yet? They've portrayed Hillary Clinton as a child/uranium trafficker, Obama as being a Russian spy, and Christine Ford as a secret agent of George Soros. You'd think maybe they'd accuse Avenatti of being in the mafia or something?