If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous?

If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?

It was 34 years ago, Shrinks can suggest things to you

She didn't say it was him…

Do the math… Years ago = 2012

the same year Mitt Romney ran for President…

the same Mitt Romney who spoke highly of Kavanaugh as a judge.

She talked about it in 2012
And he was already famous in her world to people in the political circle. Just not you and I.

I have known therapist to put thoughts in peoples heads to keep the fees coming in, perhaps this therapist should be probed.

2012 is when Kavenaugh first popped up on the radar for the Supreme Court because candidate Romney had him on his short list.

The fact is she did not PROVE he was guilty.

she offered no evidence
she didn't tell anyone at the time
she never reported it to the police
and everyone she claimed was there said she's lying

You can't destroy someone based on your feeling that he is guilty

There are no collaborating facts. All there's one accusation

Obviously, he did it.