If Kavanaugh did commit the assault against Christine Ford, why didn't he claim that it was a consensual act?

In many cases of harassment, the culprit tries to claim that it was a consensual relationship. Since Kavanaugh never did so, does this indicate that he was innocent?

Ford's story is entirely made up. There's no " If he did it ".

She should have called the police.

Who knows.

Our liberal friends have "moved on" (a schtick they do so well), and they're braced for three decades worth of court decisions that don't go their way. What goes around, comes around, no?

Consensual does not work because she was 15 years old and she can't give consent if she is less than 18 years old

Why believe a viper?

Consent takes away all the fun, in the mind of Donald Trump and other sex criminals. That's why the First Couple do not share a marriage bed. Violence and hate makes him hard.

Have you guys figured out if it happened in the mid-eighties or early eighties yet? I ask because Ford didn't know the answer.

You said it yourself, if he did it. He didn't claim it was consensual because he didn't do it.

Because everyone would be making fun of him. This is in the 80s and if you screw an ugly girl, you'll never hear the end of it from the guys. He also engaged in the Devil's Triangle. That's not good. Not only did he screw an ugly girl but he crossed swords with another guy.