If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1

If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?

Dr will be thrown into the cage where the beast resides.

No clue

Lets put it this way.

Let's say I decided you lied to me based upon little to no evidence. Then charged and jailed you.

Would you want to talk to me?

For Show.

He has already had FBI background checks.

Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth.

Actually, it's the opposite. Ford will only talk to the FBI under conditions.

The reps want a country in their image only and are willing to sacrifice character to get it. Just like McConnell said, they want to plow their way through. They're not interested in developing the investigation now that complications arose. The election is too close for comfort.

The FBI is so thorough when they ask you a question you have no idea what they know already so it's a slippery slope when you stretch the truth with them.
For instance, if you apply one of the things you supply is a list of contacts/friends. They don't really interview them but ask them who else you knew and go to them and so on, they talk to people you forgot you knew.

Great question. Very few guilty people tell a story that includes a third party because that can easily be disproved. And almost NO guilty people ask for the FBI to investigate their story.