Why did Christine Ford undergo psychotherapy if her request for a second entrance was actually unrelated to the alleged Kavanaugh assault?

Were there any marital conflicts with her husband? Was it her personal frustration that inspired her to accuse Kavanaugh?

Why do you still feel the need to malign a woman who was brave enough to come forward and face the nation? Envy that you will never be as brave, not to mention smart and successful, as she is?

She's apparently had a history of mental issues

Why do you Trump supporters continue to bring up this issue? Kavanaugh got confirmed to the Supreme Court so you trumpers got your little wish. Don't you think that it's time to move on?

Get over it. Move on. Perhaps some psychotherapy is a good idea? You seem obsessed.

If Dr. Ford is in such a fragile mental state, why is any testimony accepted at face value?