Should Ford have kept a calendar too?
Should Ford have kept a calendar too?
Should Ford have kept a calendar too?
Dr. Ford has quite the history of being a stellar teenager. She has admitted to drinking alcohol regularly as a teen, and she has also?
Admitted to not being proud of the number of partners she was with.
You Democrats seem to be unaware of this or maybe you simply downplay it.
This is all political in nature, and you either know that or you are simply stupid!
Why do you have Kavanaugh pegged as guilty? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?
After listening to Dr Ford today did you get the feeling a possible teenage assault was the least of her psychological 'issues'?
Accuser, Leigh Corfman (all the rest said they only kissed) must have formed her memory after the fact, as well.
That was as out of character for him as these outlandish claims are for Kavanaugh.
More's big "sin" was being attracted to 17 & 18 year olds. Not tweens.
Seriously. Again: How are they getting people to conjure and shape-shift their memories and pull them outta theirAsses just exactly at the most destructive time?
I believe that this is going to change the lives of many in our country. Democrats believe that he is guilty in spite of every bit of information that was provided in his defense and I think this is an underhanded way to discourage people from entering politics in future because nobody wants to be given the same treatment as this judge was. Heaven help them if they drank alcohol in the past, went to parties or other events, or anything that the Democrats would use to make a person look like a alcoholic criminal who has anger issues etc. Even their yearbook isn't safe from scrutiny. This wasn't a trial but the Democrats made it into one. So if you are considering entering politics better get your facts etc in order and have a good number of people who will vouch for you. And whatever you do don't get involved in anything that could cost you a career in the government.
Today's Congressional hearing resulted in neither Kavanaugh nor Ford being able to convince their critics. Agree or disagree?
Did Brett Kavanaugh ever say whether or not he knew Dr. Ford?
Will Christine Blasey Ford win the academy award?
Either Kavanaugh or Ford lied. Who was it, and should they be charged with perjury?