It's possible Blasey-Ford totally believes what she's saying yet Kavanaugh wan nowhere around. But how are the dems doing that? Roy More's?

Accuser, Leigh Corfman (all the rest said they only kissed) must have formed her memory after the fact, as well.

That was as out of character for him as these outlandish claims are for Kavanaugh.

More's big "sin" was being attracted to 17 & 18 year olds. Not tweens.

Seriously. Again: How are they getting people to conjure and shape-shift their memories and pull them outta theirAsses just exactly at the most destructive time?

She's a liar!

Yes it is possible, and likely.

Personality disorders often present delusions, some of grandeur some of persecution, some of paranoid fears.

Your question shows you don't understand the way the brain processes memories. Ford even explained it in her testimony.

No one, except Ford and Kavanaugh, know what did or didn't happen.
But Kavanaugh's unwillingness to clear his name is about as strong an admission of guilt as can be.
He relies on over-acting to bully his way onto that seat.