Should Ford have kept a calendar too?

Should Ford have kept a calendar too?

R u late

It's probably best for her that she didn't.

That calendar was a bit obsessive. He needs to address his alcohol abuse.

People find the keeping of a calendar unusual… It really isn't for highly organized people. My husband has calendars going back for decades.

No. The calendar turned out to be a nothingburger and didn't help Kavanaugh or hurt Ford.
We don't know how many of Kavanaugh's sexual conquests were in his calendar. They didn't ask him that. They didn't ask him if he WOULD enter a sexual conquest if he had one.
But if he was drunk every weekend like the frat buddies he hung out with, it's not likely he would remember enough to write about what happened.

She could have if she had wanted to I guess she just choose not to

It might have helped shed some clarity and substance, of which she offered NONE at the hearing!

