Why have feminists (who chirp, Feminism is for men, too! ) not condemned Clemintine Ford's call for androcide?
Androcide includes men as a necessary component though, so how is it not for men too?
YaC, send her a letter informing her that she is not a 'real' feminist. I can't do it because I'm a man and because I'm not a feminist.
All words that spew forth from a feminists mouth is propaganda. "Feminism is for men too" is propaganda. There's no reason to sabotage your own propaganda.
- Why does Ford call Utes trucks in its ads? Makes them seem American, like they are calling utes trucks who does that These answers aren't helpful, the ads are Australian made.
- Why do people say feminism isn't man hating? How do you explain this? https://twitter.com/...80?lang=en http://www.projectrepublictoday.com/2017/06/30/popular-feminist-author-killed-men-today-not-not-clementine-ford/
- I too having similar problem with car radio it's not asking for code but not picking up stations? It shows the radio station number but doesn't tune into it I've tried all sorts you can her it searching for station but just doesn' find it. Tried menu button TA settings even manually. It did work just recently bought car haven't got manual I think I pressed something & lost channels. It's RDS 5000 ford ka radio any suggestions?
- If feminists are so concerned with men treating women badly and raping them, how come they support Islam? In Saudi Arabia, women must wear black polyester in the hot sun all day and must obey their husbands otherwise they can be beaten in public. Except, feminists never say anything about this even though that is 12,000x worse than anything that is happening in the US. How is the President having a private conversation or Christine Ford making up fairytales somehow more important than governments sending women to death for not listening to their husbands?