Why do people say feminism isn't man hating? How do you explain this?
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Because it's not. That's called a poser.
They say that because it's the truth.
I explain it thus: Clementine Ford is one person, not feminism. Your logical fallacy is hasty generalization. Also, you seem not to recognize sarcasm.
No average sheeple wants to believe it. People have always excelled in denial.
News just in - College, Austin, Texas, just declare masculinity as a mental illness. Still receives much federal funding… Payed for, as everything, with the taxes of men.
Cos Mila those people are deluded, feminism is sexism
This leads to nothing.
- Why have feminists (who chirp, Feminism is for men, too! ) not condemned Clemintine Ford's call for androcide? https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/06/30/feminist-author-have-you-killed-any-men-today-and-if-not-why-not/
- Whether Christine Blasey Ford is a psychotherapist? I have heard people say she is? She seems not to know the proper treatment for trauma and phobia; and this would be suspicious if she were a therapist herself. But as far as I can find out, she does psychological research and is a university professor. Not a therapist, is she?
- Since Ford was helpless to use her brain to get the attention she wanted, isn't it great she can play dumb & say her body was used? To get a book that sells? "My only witness denies the event and I don't know anyone else that went to the party… And I don't know how I got home… I was such a loner that I had ZERO friends that noticed I was traumatized or that I could tell. I was drunk for 3 years and hated my parents but look at me now… I have authoritah!
- Does anyone else notice when you fill the car at shell the tank isn't as full as say sainsbury? I only get 310 range on computer there against 350 with tesco. Or is it this just happens to me. Ford fiesta.