Does it look more and more that Prof Ford got conned and used by the higher-ups in the dem party?
There seems little doubt that she was abused, at least in her own mind.
There seems little doubt that she was abused, at least in her own mind.
Did Lindsay Graham have his mind made up before Ford testified?
If Feinstein believed Dr Ford, why did she wait 6 weeks to present the accusation?
Added (1). Earth to Judy.
She can bring up the claim without giving away her anonymity. Do you not use your brain?
Added (2). I can't believe you tools are this stupid lol Trying to respect Dr Ford's wishes? LMAO
My God, Jonathan Gruber nailed you people
President Gerald Ford says his Grand daughter Christine Ford is crazy?
If it is shown that Ford is wrong about Kavanaugh should she be required to pay substantial restitution for the damage she had caused?
If Feinstein actually believes Dr Ford and believes the FBI could find anything, why did she sit on it for nearly 2 months?
Added (1). lol The number of times this question has been moved proves the angry libs doing it know the answer, but they really don't like it
Looks like trump got to him.
Why did Flake have to extend this hearing when you know Blasey Ford is mentally ill?
Should the FBI squash Christine Blasey Ford like a bug; her and her 'I'm afraid of flying' lies, and factless tall tales?
Do you think Kavanaugh, PJ, Squee, and Tobin will get Christine Blasey Ford locked up?