Kavanaugh - Why didn't Feinstein just keep the letter under her mattress?
One way or the other, she and her office was responsible for the leak! Unless… Ford herself, was responsible!
One way or the other, she and her office was responsible for the leak! Unless… Ford herself, was responsible!
What made a Ford Pinto dangerous, the gas tank, the woodworking on the sides, or the semi that turned you into a shadow human?
Added (1). Ford had a probem as they employs the fastback body style.
Does Christine Ford sound very strong, powerful, and maybe a little abusive towards men during her lectures?
Added (1). Or did she sound like a baby that forgot what a rattle was?
What type of person sees through the fog and calls Blasey Ford a liar and a dirty leftist clown?
From a family of lawyers.
she had to tell the president something about kavanaugh… And decided to just tell her 'congress person'
she 'wasn't interested in pursuing the media route particularly'
she refers to eshew and weinstein by name but everyone else is a 'staff person'
she used the term 'sexaul assault' many times. It's a modern times political term.
she's fidgety but doesn't flinch. She looks around but doesn't bat an eye.
Did Christine Ford grope for the right words?
Did ford set it up so that weinstein gets blamed for the delay tactic and divert attention away from herself to avoid getting robed deeper?
Added (1). p
How many times did ford lie to rachel mitchell?
Wanna know what christine ford is guilty of?
Added (1). besides perjury, which is entirely possible.
Maybe that explains Ford's sudden fear of flying?