Do you think Kavanaugh, PJ, Squee, and Tobin will get Christine Blasey Ford locked up?

Do you think Kavanaugh, PJ, Squee, and Tobin will get Christine Blasey Ford locked up?

I think her accusations are sufficiently vague nothing will ever come of it. LOL

No. She hasn't committed a crime. You guys seem to think people should be locked up because you don't like them or agree with them (like Hillary). That indicates you have no idea how our justice system works.

WHY? She is a very ill woman no one denies that. Then throw in the Dems to push her over the edge and you get a shameful treatment of all concerned.

No. Sexual abuse survivors don't get locked up. Perps get locked up.

You can't perjure yourself if they can't prove it. That is why they staged her testimony to not remember where or when.
"well it must have been the next week and another place"

The DNC is finally being exposed for the ongoing criminal enterprise that it is. Only a matter of time before sentences are handed out

If anyone could be or should be locked up, it is the Democrat operatives who are using her as a pawn.

Is she that stupid?

"Squee" should be locked up just for having that nickname.