Did Lindsay Graham have his mind made up before Ford testified?
Did Lindsay Graham have his mind made up before Ford testified?
He denounced the behavior of the left - a point about which he was spot on.
As a side note, every lefty on this site has declared Kavanaugh guilty, even though there's zero evidence to suggest that's the case.
Just as most all of the Repubs had their minds made up
Everyone that knows Democrats and their tactics was confirmed AFTER Dr Ford testified. #walkaway
Everyone knew she was full of sh*t before she testified that she couldn't remember anything.
Yes and so did I
Yes. He did. He wasn't fair or openminded at all. When the investigation is complete, I don't think any of the fact will change his mind, whether they support Kavanaugh or not.
- Would the American Civil War have been avoided if Lincoln lost the election in 1860 or change his mind on slavery being abolished? Also if I went back in time to day Lincoln was assassinated and try convince him not to go to the ford theatre would he believe.
- What did you think of the testimony earlier? Did it change your mind? It made me go from full-on supporting Ford to wanting the state of Maryland to investigate. If a crime happened, it was at the state level. I believe Ford's testimony to be credible enough to warrant some kind of investigation.
- If Graham is so upset about people making charges without evidence then why is he accusing Ford of lying without any evidence and the DNC? "putting her up to it" with no evidence for that claim either? Privately? Why? These are public hearings and a lifelong appointment. If somebody's going to speak up they'd better do it now.
- Do you agree with Lindsey Graham that not serving on the supreme court means your life is ruined? He says he's not going to "ruin Kavanaugh's life" over Dr. Ford's allegations. Not having the opportunity to serve on the supreme court means your life is ruined? well gee, a lot of people don't serve on the supreme court. in fact, most people don't.