Do you agree with Lindsey Graham that not serving on the supreme court means your life is ruined?

He says he's not going to "ruin Kavanaugh's life" over Dr. Ford's allegations.

Not having the opportunity to serve on the supreme court means your life is ruined?

Added (1). well gee, a lot of people don't serve on the supreme court.
in fact, most people don't.

He certainly made it clear Democrats are garbage

Lindsey Graham is trying to be the next AG. He'd say anything he thinks Trump would like.

If that was his life's goal then sure I guess?

"Hell is not a place you go if you're not a Christian, it's the failure of your life's greatest ambition"

No he can go back to being a trump syncophant in a lower court but he will always carry a stigma

Yes, they seem to treat it like some sort of aristocratic birthright.

But King Trump ordained that I! Sir Kavanaugh shall be next Supreme Justice!

Like… It's really easy to understand why Trump is generally against investigations into groping and stuff.

No because he did not say it ruins anyone's life. He only said they were trying to ruin Kavanaugh's life AND anyone else Trump nominates

Nice to see that the witch burners are out in force trying to justify their system of "guilty until proven innocent"

I hope you're the next victim of an unprovable false accusation that is nonetheless treated as fact. I really do.

Certainly not. BK displayed his sense of entitlement yesterday in his snarling screed against anyone who doesn't recognize his superiority. It reminded me of DT, and I think he was playing to him in fact. He should take this opportunity to take stock of himself.

I've always kind of liked Lindsey Graham. Well, a little. But his outburst at the hearing was totally out of line. He accused Democrats of CONSPIRING against Kavanaugh and said it was the most evil thing he'd ever seen in politics. There's really no evidence of a Democratic conspiracy. But his own party decided they simply weren't going to bring up Obama's appointments. They left dozens of court seats across the country open, and several ambassadorships of important allies.

Why wasn't Lindsey upset about that? I mean if partisan conspiracy is the most evil thing he's ever seen, why is it only evil when the Dems do it (and they didn't!) but totally appropriate when the Republicans do it (which they DO!)