Why did Flake have to extend this hearing when you know Blasey Ford is mentally ill?
Why did Flake have to extend this hearing when you know Blasey Ford is mentally ill?
By giving it a wekk he is taking away a weapon from the democrats
The hearing is over. The confirmation went to the full Senate. LOL
CNN missed that point? LOL
So the FBI can confirm it
He is doing what he thinks is right Joey.
One wonders what is wrong with the people of Arizona to have oddballs like McCain and Flake as Senators, although they have been trying to get rid of him ever since he was elected. Flake fails to understand the intent of the opposition, preferring to give them the benefit of the doubt and thus making things worse. It is religious based. Of course, the opposition knows this characteristic and so approach him with alternatives. Flake, having his ego stroked and being important again, succumbs to the temptation and thus falls for the devil's trap. Jimmy Carter was similar.
- Why did dr.fords case go straight to a live public congress hearing? Local police investigation where the alleged incident took place? Nah lets skip that fbi investigation to establish what really happened? Nah lets skip that lets go straight to a live public congress hearing just to decide to get the fbi to investigate the accussed ( for a 7th time in his career) anyone would think this whole episode was politically motivated to harm republicans in the mid terms and nobody really cared to learn the truth of it
- Why did Christine Blasey Ford have zero problem being interrogated by lawyers but William Barr refuse to allow it? Is it because she has nothing to hide and was telling the truth but Barr is a liar? There's evidence that Brat the Rat Kavanaugh lied about boofing and Devil's triangle but no evidence that Blasey Ford lied. Barr lied about not knowing why Mueller's staff expressed frustration about Barr's account of the Mueller Report when in fact he had received a letter from Mueller expressing dissatisfaction about Barr's account of Mueller's report.
- Should AG Sessions extend US Marshal protection to Dr. Ford and any other women being threatened for testifying about Judge Kavanaugh? Kavanaugh is receiving protection from the US Marshals. Dr. Ford has to pay for her own protection. This is despicable.
- If you have enough money, can you have a new classic car built? Like can I pay to have ford build me a 1970 Mustang? Lets say I don't want to buy an old car and restore it, I want a 1970 but straight off the factory line. Can you have a car built with the old style frame, engine, trans, etc?