Why did Flake have to extend this hearing when you know Blasey Ford is mentally ill?

Why did Flake have to extend this hearing when you know Blasey Ford is mentally ill?

By giving it a wekk he is taking away a weapon from the democrats

The hearing is over. The confirmation went to the full Senate. LOL

CNN missed that point? LOL

So the FBI can confirm it

He is doing what he thinks is right Joey.

One wonders what is wrong with the people of Arizona to have oddballs like McCain and Flake as Senators, although they have been trying to get rid of him ever since he was elected. Flake fails to understand the intent of the opposition, preferring to give them the benefit of the doubt and thus making things worse. It is religious based. Of course, the opposition knows this characteristic and so approach him with alternatives. Flake, having his ego stroked and being important again, succumbs to the temptation and thus falls for the devil's trap. Jimmy Carter was similar.