If Feinstein believed Dr Ford, why did she wait 6 weeks to present the accusation?
If Feinstein believed Dr Ford, why did she wait 6 weeks to present the accusation?
Added (1). Earth to Judy.
She can bring up the claim without giving away her anonymity. Do you not use your brain?
Added (2). I can't believe you tools are this stupid lol Trying to respect Dr Ford's wishes? LMAO
My God, Jonathan Gruber nailed you people
She was asked to keep it confidential.
Dr. Ford asked her to keep it confidential and anonymous, and she was trying to be respectful of that while working with her behind the scenes.
Don't you read the news?
Hey, what country are you writing from?
She thought it would do more damage that way
It took 6 weeks for the Democrat Propaganda Machine to fine tune the Ford accusation so that, although unproveable either way, it sounded legitimate.
They also needed time to prep Ford.
The victim did not want to come forward.
I think you know the answer and are just trying to deceive the public.
Is that you Lindsey Graham?
Feinstein needed an extra week for the Democrat attack machine. As the first few weeks failed. Dr Ford has been victimized worse than Anita. And like Anita, no amount of Democrat cash will fix her problems
You think she should have exposed Dr Ford sooner, so you boys could have more time to smear her harder? It's not her job to give you a smooth easy Supreme Court injustice confirmation.
Why do you care? Is your low-paying job as a GOP troll hinging upon it?
That was planned.
- Why did Dianne Feinstein wait for September to refer the Christine Blasey Ford letter to the FBI and not in July? Why didn't she bring this up to Brett Kavanaugh when she personally interviewed him? Why wasn't it part of the record 1,137 questions given to him answer? Why wasn't it brought up in the initial hearings? The letter was given to only 2 people who she asked to keep her anonymous but it was leaked anyways. So who was it that was disrespectful to her wishes?