Do you wonder if the voices in Christine Blasey Ford's head also have fake, annoying baby talk vocal fry?
Do you wonder if the voices in Christine Blasey Ford's head also have fake, annoying baby talk vocal fry?
Do you wonder if the voices in Christine Blasey Ford's head also have fake, annoying baby talk vocal fry?
Sorry, not a political person, kindly fill in what you think I need to know rather than call me names.
So next will be Wade/Roe?
Just wondering the impact of this position in US Politics?
Sorry, not up on intricacies of US politics, but wonder about the impact here?
So, don't assume I should know things, kindly just tell me.
The Republicans bent over backwards to give her every opportunity to tell her story and showed her complete respect.
Why does Perez have to be dishonest?
I think the people who voted for Trump should be the first to get laid off. What do you think?
"Ford Motor Company is reportedly preparing to initiate major layoffs after suffering a blow to profits of at least $1 billion due to tariffs enacted by President Donald Trump."
Is it because Fords friends are call Ford a liar?
POTUS apologizes to Kavanaugh and his family. Who apologizes to Dr. Ford and her family?
How did Susan Collins know that Blasey Ford was assaulted by another man instead of Brat the Rat Kavanaugh?
What are all the possible crimes that Christine Blasey Ford should be charged with?