Do you think the Brett Kavanaugh result threatens to remove women's rights? Is Ford then a blatant liar?

So next will be Wade/Roe?
Just wondering the impact of this position in US Politics?

Sorry, not up on intricacies of US politics, but wonder about the impact here?
So, don't assume I should know things, kindly just tell me.


No that's stupid

New photographic evidence of Christine Ford's molester has been discovered. Do you think the Brett Kavanaugh result threatens to remove women s rights Is Ford then a blatant liar

Ford is a witch and should be burnt at the stake.

The impact is that Kavanaugh has a very expansive view of the office of president, including previously writing that the president can declare laws unconstitutional and is immune from civil or criminal penalties.

Trump nominated him to protect himself.

You've touched on the reason for the rabid opposition to Kavanaugh… Roe v Wade. Democrats fear that more conservatives on the court will spell its end, but Kanvanaugh has said he considers it to be established law. Democrats aren't taking any chances, even though they failed to successfully eliminate Kavanaugh. They would have done pretty much the same to any candidate that's right of center.

How much of a liar Ford is remains to be seen, but she certainly lied about some things… Or else has a horrendously bad memory. Beyond that, the Kavanaugh fiasco doesn't threaten women's rights in any way, except that it does help protect men from unsubstantiated allegations from women with an ulterior motive. We still are a nation of laws and "innocent until proven guilty" will always be the standard.

Yea, you really need to get up to speed.
No, womans rights won't change.
Yea, obvious Ford lied.
No.Roe v Wade has been ruled, that won't change either.
The impact, there's extreme fear from the left, that Brett Kavanaugh being republican will have some negative effect on liberal SC issues. Kavanaugh is an adamant supporter of our constitution and bill of rights, Democrats seem to have a problem with that.

Kavanaugh is not a left-wing judicial activist which is what the left wanted. He will not interpret the law and assign meanings it doesn't have; he will only act on the law as written. The left has made great strides in assigning left-wing judges so they can legislate from the bench… Or gaining through abstract interpretations of the law what they can't get in the polls. Kavanaugh threatens nothing.