Does Brett Kavanaugh's win mean Ford now is a liar? And since most men elected, have dirty secrets, should this have been relevant?

Sorry, not a political person, kindly fill in what you think I need to know rather than call me names.

His election doesn't make her a liar, but her making an accusation doesn;t automatically mean she's being truthful.
The accusation is still there, but to date unproven.

Don't your bosses at the GRU brief you on what " you need to know "?

No, it does not. It was not a criminal trial with intent to establish guilt.

Dr. Ford's accusations remain just that - accusations. It is ignorant to say that she is a liar, and equally ignorant to say that Kavanaugh is guilty of sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt.

No it does not, but…
Trump very literally said Kavanaugh was "proven innocent" which of course by extension means he and his toadies are now trying to say that Kavanaugh's confirmation makes Ford a liar. He knows his cheering section is that incredibly dumb to go right along with that non-logic.

If there was any truth to her accusations, she would have filed a police report when it happened. This was just the latest dem effort at dirty politics that failed.
