Trump's tariffs already cost Ford $1B; now it's planning to layoff 24k. Is this why Trump ordered the release of the jobs report last week?

Trump and cons are dumb, Dems are the smart ones.

Ford was already in trouble before the tariffs.

Ford brand year-to-date sales in the US posted a 0.9% decline through August, driven almost entirely by a staggering 15.3% decline in its passenger car sales. That problem worsened during the months of July and August with a steeper 27% and 21% decline, respectively, compared to the prior year.

Fake news at its best. They hired a guy notorious for slashing the workforce. Ford just hired him in 2017 due to already poor performance. Read your own article.

Fake News

Ford was already losing money on its automobile line… They are making teh switch to produce only trucks now.

And how did tariffs "cost Ford a billion dollars?"

This is like saying "Obama's regulations cost America 32 billion dollars!" If you can't explain how, then the claim isn't work the 3 seconds of my time it takes to read.

It will get worse.

The " reorganization " at Ford was planned well before the tariffs due to sinking sales.

But spin on

The jobs report comes out the first Friday of every month, that's not new.