Do you wonder if the voices in Christine Blasey Ford's head also have fake, annoying baby talk vocal fry?

Do you wonder if the voices in Christine Blasey Ford's head also have fake, annoying baby talk vocal fry?

She seems to be living in your head

You should return to Hillary questions. With an occasional Obama questions.

Much more lulz for us that way.

You know, that might explain it, lol.

I think the voices in her head sound like Stewie from Family Guy.

I see you've been studying up on the meaning of the phrase "ad homonym attack"
Very good! Now criticize her for her weight.

She passed a polygraph, Brett didn't, she was willing to testify to the FBI under penalty of incarceration if she lied, Brett wasn't, she wanted an investigation, Brett didn't.

Yes. She is such a pathetic person and has shamed herself all in the name of a fake democrat narrative