What was that envelope a black woman sneakily handed Fords lawyer?
What was that envelope a black woman sneakily handed Fords lawyer?
What was that envelope a black woman sneakily handed Fords lawyer?
Is this a rogue effort from the fringe to make it LOOK like an arrow on the door from women, or is it actual arrow on the door from the majority female consensus?
Did Dr.Christine Blasey Ford seem like an unstable, neurotic, old woman with a tenuous grip on reality?
Wouldn't the FBI look into that also?
He cried multiple times, he was loud and shouting, when answering questions not cool and calm las Dr Ford under questioning
If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
Ford's testimony was credible and compelling, the prosecutor they hired was unable to find anything that damaged it. They know that by ignoring it they will make a lot of women, many of them silent victims of sexual assault themselves, angry and alienated from the party. They have to weigh this up against getting this political hack on the bench. It won't be the investigation, but this calculation that determines if they push him through
Does Donald Trump think that Christine Ford's testimony is part of the democratic con game?
Is Donald Trump siding with Christine Ford by finding her testimony very compelling?
Christine Ford's lawyer Debra Katz said no "artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation."
When asked if they could get the investigation done in a week, a senior FBI official told Fox News, "That depends on the schedules of everyone we'd have to interview, including the accuser, accused and witnesses."