Is Donald Trump siding with Christine Ford by finding her testimony very compelling?

Is Donald Trump siding with Christine Ford by finding her testimony very compelling?

Is really is all about taking sides and seeking affirmation for blue… Isn't it?

Nope! He is trying to seem fair.
Of course they are setting her up for a trial law suit which she will be found guilty of lying to federal government officials.

No, he is hedging his bet.


He forgets what he thought yesterday and he;ll forget he thought she was compelling by tomorrow.

It's a difficult line they are playing. They want to get their political hack on the bench at all costs, but they're probably vaguely aware of the backlash of the #metoo movement and how this all looks. Her testimony was compelling and credible. They had to stop calling her a liar and instead are now trying to just talk about kavanaugh and make hims seem like a victim rather than the perpertrator.

He's trying to figure out how to grab her puzzy

He's hedging his bets.