Did Dr.Christine Blasey Ford seem like an unstable, neurotic, old woman with a tenuous grip on reality?
Did Dr.Christine Blasey Ford seem like an unstable, neurotic, old woman with a tenuous grip on reality?
No. Silly troll.
Not to me. Not at all.
Nope, but Kavanaugh sure did. Yelling, weepy. Talk about a lack of manhood.
Yeah, she's got one foot in the funny farm.
She has at least heard of bugs bunny…
Yes. She doesn't have the personality I'd look for if I required treatment.
No. Kavanaugh seemed unstable yesterday.
It is YOU who are out of touch with reality, blind, or totally delusional because of your ignorance and fear and maybe self hatred and zero self respect.
Evey claim that Dr. Ford does not remember where she got her college degrees came from is refuted by her testimony. READ the transcripts of their testimonies.
WHERE is your evidence that Dr. Ford is being paid? WHO is paying YOU?
Total lack of recall seems disturbing to me. Even events that happened a month ago
- With a few days to reflect, does Ford's story seem like someone relaying a dream? I'm being totally serious. "We were at some party, and you were there, and Kavanaugh was there and…" That is how you would not know who you went with, or when it happened, or where it was, or how you got home. You only remember a couple details and one "scene". In all seriousness, her story sounds like someone telling about a dream… It explains how nobody else who what "there" remembers it happening.
- Why did Trump say of Dr. Ford: I thought her testimony was very compelling, looks like a very fine woman and was a very credible witness? I thought her testimony was very compelling, and she looks like a very fine woman to me. A very fine woman. It was incredible. It was an incredible moment, I think, in the history of our country. But certainly she was a very credible witness. She was very good in many respects. https://www.c-span.org/video/?452222-1/president-trump-reacts-calls-delaying-vote-kavanaugh-nomination
- Why did Dianne Feinstein wait for September to refer the Christine Blasey Ford letter to the FBI and not in July? Why didn't she bring this up to Brett Kavanaugh when she personally interviewed him? Why wasn't it part of the record 1,137 questions given to him answer? Why wasn't it brought up in the initial hearings? The letter was given to only 2 people who she asked to keep her anonymous but it was leaked anyways. So who was it that was disrespectful to her wishes?
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