If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
Yes, that's a good question. But I guess now that Trump has ordered a short FBI investigation he's going to have to!
Trump just threw him under the bus. It's what Trump does.
You figured it out, he is guilty.
Because he is guilty
Ha Ha, liberal sh! T-for-brains Remy, Sam, John W, Jeff and Jim2 are too stupid to realize that lying UNDER OATH to the US SENATE is a crime.
What a bunch of f_cking dumbasses.
If the Republicans approve him to the Supreme Court, they will lose the House and Senate in November.
Kavanaugh should be replaced by Amy Barrett. Democrats should even vote for her to show that they do not hate women.
- Why does the FBI have to investigate the Christine Blasey Ford claims? With the claim made by Christine Blasey Ford, why does the FBI have to investigate this and not the police? Is it because Kavanagh is a nominee for the supreme court? If he was just a 'no one' and she was a 'no one' wouldn't she go to the police?
- If the Ford case isn't a Federal crime why would the FBI investigate? They only investigate backgrounds, which they have done on Kavanaugh 6 times, and Federal crimes. This isn't one.
- If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1 If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?