How much backing does the Ford/anti-Kavanaugh spearhead enjoy amongst the American female populace?
Is this a rogue effort from the fringe to make it LOOK like an arrow on the door from women, or is it actual arrow on the door from the majority female consensus?
Chevy should testify
My wife and her friends are on his side. So you start out 0 for 17.
As a female I believe HIM and not her. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain it is a set up as he scares the libs.
The Republicans know more about demographics than almost anyone. If THEY are afraid of offending/alienating women, it's probably justified. They didn't want to be seen talking to her! In fact she did so well that after just a short time they asked the questioner to stop questioning her and tried to salvage the session with strong speeches for the folks back home.
I'm pleased to see that there's been an ENORMOUS change in our thinking since Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas.
Regardless of what the Senate decides, recent polls indicate he has lost support among the American public. Polls have also shown a gender divide: Women were more likely than men to oppose Kavanaugh and more likely to believe Christine Blasey Ford's allegations.
How dare they accuse a white man of sexual assault!
- Why does Trump hate American car company Ford so much? Ford can't build 1 Billion dollar plant in Mexico and possibly now European car companies will win bids instead.
- In the end, will it just come down to how big a hit with female voter the repbulicans are prepared to wear in order to get their man through? Ford's testimony was credible and compelling, the prosecutor they hired was unable to find anything that damaged it. They know that by ignoring it they will make a lot of women, many of them silent victims of sexual assault themselves, angry and alienated from the party. They have to weigh this up against getting this political hack on the bench. It won't be the investigation, but this calculation that determines if they push him through
- Drove with emergency brake on down freeway and now when i'm backing up it squills and is resisting alittle? My break light wasn't on so I forgot to release my break. I drove down the freeway doing 70-80 mph for a bit. I have a 2000 ford explorer. What did I screw up? And can I fix it myself?