Is Brett Kvanaugh's accuser part of a George Soros funded campaign?

First there was a report from June in the Daily Caller that found "a new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop… Kavanaugh's confirmation has significant ties to the liberal financier" Soros.

What are those ties?

The group, Demand Justice, established in 2018, gets its money from the Sixteen Thirty Fund - and the Sixteen Thirty Fund received roughly $2.2 million from the Open Society Policy Center, one of Soros' outlets, between the years of 2012 and 2016.

Debra Katz, the attorney representingKavanaugh's accuser - Christine Blasey Ford - is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by Soros' Open Society Foundation.

How can we believe one word from Ford's claim based on her own stated position?

All of a sudden an allegation from 36 years ago arrives on Feinsteins desk "anonymous". She held it until someone on the democrat side of the judicial committee leaks it to the press. The press leaks revealed TWO outstanding facts. One, Feinstein held onto the document in secret and said nothing during open session, closed session and private session with judge Brett Kavanaugh. Two, now that the cats out of the bag, the accuser's private attorney wants a FBI investigation despite the FBI already announcing it's NOT going to do one. The 11th hour. Amazing how the dems now realize the judge will get confirmed and this gets pulled out of Feinstein's last minute bag. Many of this accusers schoolmates have already gone on record saying the accuser ( Ford ) was weird in school. On top of this, 65 past high school mates ( all female ) of Kavanaugh now say that he always in high school acted courtesy and respect.
When asked of FORD, all she could say was she doesn't remember when ( not even what year ) and she doesn't know even where.
Despite being a declared democrat / socialist via media who's donated to politicians accordingly, if this isn't a total anti Trump last ace in the deck play, what is?
Let common sense be your guide.