Why are Cons so triggered by Christine Blasey Ford? If Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed then some other judge will?
It's not as if they're worried about losing a majority in the midterms, right?
LOL democrats are being played for fools and idiots by their own party. Too funny
Here's a timeline:
1982 - Something may or may not have happened with another 2 (or 4) teenagers at a party, she can't remember who threw the party, where the party was held, who she was with or how she got home. She was drinking and said nothing to anyone.
2002… She said nothing.
July 25, 2003: President George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit… She said nothing.
2005… She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate… She said nothing.
June 1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy… She said nothing.
2011… She said nothing.
2012… She remembered 'something' happened in 1982, yet doesn't name Kavanaugh, still said nothing to authorities.
2017 - becomes an anti-trump activist.
2018 - now 36 years later, with Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation looming, she pens an anonymous letter with grave accusations against Kavanaugh regarding foggy circumstance that occurred while they were both minors, then reveals herself and DEMANDS an FBI investigation before testifying to her incredible allegations?
Who does she think she is?
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
If its a bunch of BS then it could destroy a man's career, all for a distain for the sitting Predient
Interesting. You would think that with Ford's attorney once again saying she will testify if they just delay a bit longer, libs here would be ecstatic. Yet, all you can come up with is some nonsense about triggering. Do you really fear the hand you were dealt that much? Perhaps is is time to fold.
Because he is a judge who will probably protect him from Mueller, which a decent judge would not do.
We'll pick up Senate seats almost certainly. We hardly have any that are even up. And the Senate is all that counts.
So it won't be a problem. It will be that female who was runner up. She's more conservative that what you got. Hell… That would happen before the first of the year anyhow.
But the thing is this is asinine.
You are destroying a mans family. If the girl claimed it was a lie, it's too late, damage already done. How many times will his innocent children hear that their dad is a pervert? All just to try to stick it to Trump. Shamefull
- Why do some say Mark Judge stated that he has no memory of the story Ford is telling, when that is not true? A letter, filed by a lawyer, signed by a lawyer, says "he has no memory of the story Ford is telling". That's not the same thing.
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? Such the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that was she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
- Why are the racist cons so racist they have problems with Dr. Fords claims just because she can't remember some of the nitty-gritty details? - 1 Such as the month or the year that the incident happened! And big whoop she doesn't remember how she got there! What matters is that what she is saying feels right my fellow good liberals! Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
- Since Ford is liar who will not face the accused, will Judge Kavanaugh now be confirmed after being endorsed by President George Bush? Everyone who is accused in the United States, under Constitutional Law has a right to face the accuser in a judicial hearing. Federal State and Local. I will not be bullied by left wing liars of Bernie Sanders. WOMEN FOR JUDGE KAVANAUGH SCOTUS