Should Feinstein just resign for incompetence and the anti Trump democrat on the committee that leaked this Ford nonsense to the press?
Should Feinstein just resign for incompetence and the anti Trump democrat on the committee that leaked this Ford nonsense to the press?
Let her continue to make an AZZ of herself.
DiFi will receive the Nobel Prize. That is how it works in Libtardlandia.
She should be voted out.
I think Feinstein is doing a great job.
- Since the Chinese had infiltrated Sen. Diane Feinstein so thoroughly, do you think they leaked Dr. Ford's letter to the press? Dr. Ford's letter to Sen. Feinstein with her flimsy accusations about Judge Kavanaugh were leaked to the press - but by whom? The Chinese might have done it to cause chaos in American politics, like the Russians did during the election. Explain the Chinese spy, Sen. Feinstein
- If Trump and Pence both resign could President Pelosi appoint Hillary to the vice-presidency with Senate approval? Keep in mind President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to the vice-presidency. Later President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice-presidency!
- IF Diane Feinstein says Ford's letter was leaked to the press by an unknown person without her knowledge. When EXACTLY was she planning to? Reveal that letter to the senate? The letter was leaked just few days before confirmation. If Dianne did not intend to do that, was she planning to keep the letter to herself FOREVER? That makes no sense at all. Will there be an investigation to find who is behind this? And what was the devious plan of Feinstein?
- IF Diane Feinstein says Ford s leet was leaked to the press by an unknown person without her knowledge? When exactly was Dinae Feinsten planning to reveal this letter to the senate? The letter was leaked just few days before confirmation. If Dianne did not intend to do that, was she planning to keep the letter to herself forever? Will there be an investigation to find who is behind this? And what was the plan of Feinstein? Typo Correction: IF Diane Feinstein says ***Ford's letter*** was leaked to the press by an unknown person without her knowledge…