Ford's parents had no clue then of this event daughter now claims 36 years later, 65 female high schools classmates say its nonsense, is?

This nothing more than a ridiculous anti Trump move?

Liberals never have let facts stop them from their ignorance and hate.

LOL blueface coward troll is summertime. LOL

Correction: 65 classmates vouched for his character, and after the reason why they were asked came out, 63 retracted their support.

Edit: Your harassment has been reported, and you're now blocked from ever doing it again. You have no power over me.


65 female students from ANOTHER school (he went to an all-boys school) signed a letter that was general in nature. Once Dr. Ford came forward, reporters contacted those 65 women, and only 2 said they still stood by him.

Try to keep up.

Her 15 min of fame…

That sounds like fake news… Got a link?

The classmates to me, would have more knowledge then the parents would. The parents are the last place many in that position turn to, they are afraid of getting into trouble about the party.

Actually most of the 65 women have recanted their signatures, claiming they did not know what exactly Kavanaugh was asking them to sign.

As for Ford never telling her parents, do you honestly blame her? She was probably at the party without their knowledge or permission, was drinking (remember, she was only 15 at the time) and didn't want to make an issue, let alone make a police report or have to testify in court.