Who does Christine Blasey Ford think she is by requesting she only be interviewed by officials that believe her story?

Who does Christine Blasey Ford think she is by requesting she only be interviewed by officials that believe her story?

Added (1). Is that a "fair" condition?


Liberal privilege

Democrats are continuing to play games. Just call for a vote and be done with this ridiculous circus.

That she is a doctor and an American woman who has the right to request anything that she wants to request. I don't know if she actually requested what you say, but anybody has a right to request whatever the hell they want to. It does not mean that they are going to get it.

If there's something to all this, let's get on with it, but within the framework of the legal system. Not calls for extrajudicial preference.

The Senate Judiciary has been investigating, and every "witness" turned out NOT to be one. Logic and trust in evidence needs to return to America before superstition and witch hunts return.

This really, really stupid ploy to obstruct Kavanaugh's confirmation is a GIANT gift to the Republicans and it will help ensure there's a Red Tsunami in November.

Because she doesn't want her story to be tossed into the trash by corrupt Repubbies?

That's what demlibs do