What statements has ford made?
What statements has ford made?
Ford who and why are you asking in the automobile forum?
None that haven't changed several time. That is likely Why she refuses to make them under oath, refuses to make charges that Kavanaugh can respond to, and refuses to be cross examined by a competent attorney.
He hasn't made any statements.
right now the democrats who "believe her" are basing their belief on 2nd, and 3rd hand accounts from a letter Dianne Frankenstein won't let anyone see.
- What do you think about these two statements, is there hypocrisy here? I'm an atheist, there's no evidence of god so there's no reason to believe a god exists. There's no evidence supporting any of Dr. Ford's testimony but nevertheless I believe her.
- Should the President check and confirm first with auto makers and other American companies before making official statements of their plans? https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ford-not-moving-production-from-china-to-us-despite-trumps-tweet-2018-09-09
- Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women? Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne? Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many? Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?
- 88 ford f150 has 2 gas tanks first one quit working now the other has quit? The gas gauge went crazy each time before they stopped working.Is it my fuel pump, and aren't they inside the tanks? How can I tell if thats the problem without having to take it to a mechanic? I'm used to fixing my own cars.