Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women?

Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne?

Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many?

Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?

Rightist propaganda lies about women accusing Bill Clinton of harassment. It was all staged and those women paid off.

I don't live in Massachusetts so I never elected Teddy Kennedy to nothing.

No. The lack of a solid record of supporting women's rights has caused everyone to not think of Judge Kavanaugh as a Champion of Women in the first place. Perhaps propagandists on the right should focus on touting Judge Kavanaugh's record instead of these "whataboutism" distraction tactics. They are basically admitting Kavanaugh is a sexual predator, just not as bad as certain other ones.

Liberals loved Gerry Stubbs and John Wayne Gacy Too

Just how has he been a Champion of Women? And most of those 65 women have now retracted their endorsement. They signed before they knew about the accusation.

I think it's just that liberals and independents don't want to see this guy on the supreme court because he has a lot of skeletons in his closet regarding drunken sexual misconduct. What if the next accuser has proof or 10 witnesses and he's already on the court?

Never voted for Teddy, He is now dead and no longer in the senate. Trump is a serial adulterer, but you are OK with that?

Democrats are out of their minds. They forget that Judge Kavanaugh decided at a very young age to be a lawyer. Everything he did based on that decision was a path to meet his goal. This is a man who knew that if he ever did anything like what is alleged he would have been thrown out of his school and college and that would be the end of his dream. Those that disrespect or attack women at an early age do not change their spots. They continue with that inborn history of violence. This is not Judge Kavanaugh according to hundreds of people that know him inside and out. When are these animals going to retreat back into the zoo they escaped from?


Have a little trouble paying attention, do we?