Ford E350 Ignition Problem / NO spark Condition?

I have tested spark from coil. I get nothing. Tested for 12 v to coil. Got it. Tested for pulse to coil, nothing. Tested Signal from PIP sensor, I get it. I would assume this means the ICM is bad, however, Had it tested at autozone 6 times, and it passes each time? Why is the coil not getting the signal of PIP is good and ICM is good?

Added (1). Also New Coil*

Added (2). Also, get solid light from ICM to Coil. No blinking on start. So the interrupt is not occurring. I THINK

Can you put a Honda, ford engine on a Beamer?

Like my sisters Beamer engine is complete totaled but I love the Beamer interior and body i don't care about the engine power or whatever. Is it possible to put a honda engine on the Beamer. (For less cost of matinence etc.)

What is the best and strongest zodiac pairing in your opinion?

I checked the strongest pairs and they are:
Capricorn and virgo
1. Lady Bird Johnson and Lyndon Johnson
2. Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna
Sagittarius and libra
1. Deborra le furress and Hugh Jackman
2.Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne
3.La Tanya Richardson and Samuel L Jackson
Cancer and scorpio
1.Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
2.Calista Flockhart & Harrison Ford
3.Duchess Camilla & Prince Charles
4.Laura Bush and George W Bush

What's your opinion?

What is the safest cigarette brand?

First off, yes I know smoking can kill me and I'm fully aware of the risks and plan to quite soon. But for the remainder of the time I do continue to smoke, does anyone know which brand (Marlboro, Newport, pallmall, etc…) is the safest to smoke? I'm aware that a cigarette is a cigarette and can give you cancer, but like certain car brands (Chevy, ford, Honda etc…) have different reliability, resale value and stuff like that, is there a certain brand of cigarette that (yes I know is still bad) but at least not as cancerous or bad for you as the others? I'm looking to quite slowly but surely and I need a good brand to ease off with.

How to get rid if fordyce spots on corner of lips?

I have noticed these what I assume to be fordyce spots on my lips and they are whitish in color very small and in groups and they are raised. Looking at pictures of fordyce it's looks exactly like what I have.

They aren't a big problem because they aren't noticeable unless I stretch my lip out but I'd still like to find a remedy.

Did I damage my car's electrical system?

I worry that I damaged my electrical system by helping my neighbor. (I have a 93 Ford E-150 with 4.9 engine). He has a Dodge Nitro, and on his way home the battery light came on, and the truck started acting funny. Once he got home, and turned off the truck, it would not restart. There was no power. When I came outside, he had the battery out of the truck. Apparently he had tested the battery and determined it was shot. But the electric windows were still down on his car so he needed power to get them to go up so he could secure his car. He did not want to jump his old battery because he thought it might hurt his electrical system. So he direct-connected from my old van to his Dodge. That is to say, he tried to power up his Dodge without having a battery in his Dodge by running jumper cables from my battery (with my engine running) to his Dodge. I'm not sure how he hooked up the cables. It looked like he was hooking the positive cable to the fuse box in the Dodge. I have never heard of doing this. The direct connection did give some power to the Dodge but it wasn't enough to power up the windows. It was only enough to make some interior lights go on. It caused a huge draw down on my poor old van. My van is a 1993. It runs good, but I treat it with kid gloves because it is so fragile. I'm very worried that this procedure by my supremely annoying neighbor might have damaged something in my own electrical system.