Ford E350 Ignition Problem / NO spark Condition?

I have tested spark from coil. I get nothing. Tested for 12 v to coil. Got it. Tested for pulse to coil, nothing. Tested Signal from PIP sensor, I get it. I would assume this means the ICM is bad, however, Had it tested at autozone 6 times, and it passes each time? Why is the coil not getting the signal of PIP is good and ICM is good?

Added (1). Also New Coil*

Added (2). Also, get solid light from ICM to Coil. No blinking on start. So the interrupt is not occurring. I THINK

Is the crank sensor working?

Tripped or bad shutdown relay.

If you have a bad crankshaft sensor with a intermittent failure it can cause a no spark condition.

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