Why did Christine Ford LIE about not being able to fly to attend a hearing on the Kavanaugh matter?
Why did Christine Ford LIE about not being able to fly to attend a hearing on the Kavanaugh matter?
Why did Christine Ford LIE about not being able to fly to attend a hearing on the Kavanaugh matter?
Anyone else catch Ford's flaw in testimony? She claims she said Hi to one of her attackers at a market 6 weeks later?
Added (1). Quick, move it to another section before more people see the point. LOL
Now Ford can't even remember things she did a week ago. Her story is falling apart. When will this farce end?
So they could all just be make believe then?
Vocal fry - gravely voice
Up-Speak - ends every sentence as if she were asking a question.
It's the way Kim Kardashian speaks.
Will Ford now be arrested for perjury?
Then why, instead of taking it to the cops, she sits on it for 35 years and then tells some politicians about it in an attempt to stop a SC conformation?
In the minds of Trump/Kavanaugh supporters.
Durbin said Ford has nothing to gain from her testimony, that's a bald face like, I bet she has a book deal already, agree?
Even her lifelong liberal female friend that Ford named being there has no idea what she is talking about?