Anyone else catch Ford's flaw in testimony? She claims she said Hi to one of her attackers at a market 6 weeks later?
Anyone else catch Ford's flaw in testimony? She claims she said Hi to one of her attackers at a market 6 weeks later?
Added (1). Quick, move it to another section before more people see the point. LOL
Would you say Hi to an attacker?
Technically Kavanaugh was the attacker. Mark Judge just watched.
Yeah, I caught that. Kind of a stretch.
EDIT: she can talk to him 6 weeks later to judge his reaction… But she's so traumatized 30 years later that she needs 2 front doors. Yeah, that makes sense.
Confronting an attacker in a public place to measure his reaction is a flaw? He grew pale and nervous.
Who says baloney other than a Russian troll? This is not 1984, or is it?
That tells she is being very truthful. Maybe she said hi just to see his reaction.
She comes across as the sort of bashful person who would do exactly that.
How is that a flaw as you have presented it here? You need to provide the context!
I think you're just being disingenuous!
- Why did Ford say she didn't tell anyone about the attack until 2012, but one of her classmate said everyone spoke about it for days? After it happened?
- End result of the Ford testimony will be he said/she said with no evidence. So, who gets the benefit of the doubt? Do liberals throwing unsubstantiated mud always get to win? Unless, of course, the next telling of her story varies quite a lot from what we have heard so far.
- Anyone else notice how Ford was laughing and joking before her testimony? She joked about the caffeine and the microphone. And then she got all serious and when she was done she went back to smiling and laughing again. She doesn't seem authentic to me.