Why is Christine Ford the only person in the world that remembers the party?

Even her lifelong liberal female friend that Ford named being there has no idea what she is talking about?

Because she is lying trash

It wasn't really a party.

Because she's a trained Psychologist.

They weren't given a copy of the script

I'm beginning to suspect she may have spent that evening in a closet, tripping on LSD.

What's funny is that she even told people that others wouldn't remember before she went public.

This totally happened, but if you ask anyone, they won't remember it. Still, totally happened though.

There were probably plenty of those parties. Remembering one in particular is not at all unusual unless something unusual happened. Since it seems no one else knew of anything unusual it doesn't surprise me at all.
Who remembers every single party/impromptu get-together from 30 years ago?

Because it didn't happen. I'm really, really shocked she is testifying under oath - though that assumes she was placed under oath.

We have two men who have confessed. Why is she even testifying against Kavanaugh?

  • Why did Christine Ford not change her wet swimsuit before coming to the party? She said that she had been swimming and practicing her dives at the pool when the invite to the party came, and so she had her one-piece swimsuit on under her clothes. But why she didn't change her wet swimsuit into her dry underwear after swimming? Did she go to the pool in a swimsuit? Did she wear her clothes on a wet swimsuit?