Converting a 1950s ford or Chevrolet pickup to clean diesel electric?

Okay this here is a dream of mine, that I thinking I might take a plunge for soon but I have to know it's feasible as I know these trucks are solid and very heavy and I do not know enough about motors especially the bio-diesel/electric motor conversion I'm looking to do. Thing is, I love cars from the 1950s especially the pick ups but I don't like not being able to go far on limited MPG and I'm starting to get more Eco aware. How do I go about doing this? I tried looking for some resources but most of them seem like dead ends. I need to learn what tools, parts, and people I can go to for answers but have no idea how to get started other than buying the truck first. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

It's a dream all right. Without a couple hundred thou, and VASTLY more knowledge, competence, and experience than you obviously have - your "dream" is just that.

Keep on dreaming, Skippy. Maybe after you graduate from a university like MIT with a degree in automotive engineering…