Why was the feminist man hater Clementine ford banned from Facebook and Twitter?
Why was the feminist man hater Clementine ford banned from Facebook and Twitter?
Added (1). Does anyone know exactly what she done? It must have been really really bad for her to get banned
Probably hate speech wasn't it? Isn't she known for feminist misandry?
Did she mistakenly put on a MAGA hat or something?
It's weird but I suppose it's possible to be SUCH a misandrist pig that even FB and Twitter kick you out. Or she could just be TERF. Even among feminists, that seems to be a poison pill.
- Wouldn't Joanna dehenny be the type of person who would say #KillAllMen for fun which twitter to offend men for a laugh? Then again. She did kill 4 men for fun and then laughed about it and started singing in the police station when caught. Isn't this what all the feminists that say #KillAllMen and #AllMenAreTrash on twitter to annoy men wish they could be like. CleMENtine ford must be proud
- Why do people say feminism isn't man hating? How do you explain this? https://twitter.com/...80?lang=en http://www.projectrepublictoday.com/2017/06/30/popular-feminist-author-killed-men-today-not-not-clementine-ford/
- Why do all women want a strong man in their life? Even shrill feminists like Christine Blasey Ford crave a strong man that can provide for her physiological needs and sexual desires.
- Gender Studies: What was the actual point of the #KillAllMen twitter trend by feminists a few years back? Good ol clementine ford and he hatred for men huh? What did the whole twitter trend achieve other than making feminism look like what it is often labelled as. Man hating? If you don't want feminism to be looked at as hating men, then wouldn't feminists avoid doing amd saying such things?