Why do all women want a strong man in their life?
Even shrill feminists like Christine Blasey Ford crave a strong man that can provide for her physiological needs and sexual desires.
Says the beggar
i want you… But i want you to want me too… Just like i want you…
Why would you want a weak man in your life?
If you are willing to be someone's partner what good is a weak partner that makes your life harder.
She lied you know?
Not all women. Only the sane ones.
Real women want a brainy man in their life
Mature emotionally stable people seek out relationships that are mutually supportive rather than relationships based on unequal power dynamics.
Many women want a man with brains, not just brawn.
Because they know they are the weaker sex.
But here's the thing.
How is strength measured in a man?
Is MLK stronger than Al Capone?
Both had their share of women.
You seriously thought it was a worth the waste of space on this page to ask that… And that's why I'm putting this useless answer here. LOL
You know, in Old Testament times 2 witnesses were required to bring a charge. If a mans life can be wrecked by a single female witness, we're ALL doomed! And I'm leaving the country. Can you say Due Process?
- Why do people say feminism isn't man hating? How do you explain this? https://twitter.com/...80?lang=en http://www.projectrepublictoday.com/2017/06/30/popular-feminist-author-killed-men-today-not-not-clementine-ford/
- Why did Christine Ford want two entrances to their home? How was this related to the alleged incident with Kavanaugh? I don't really understand why she connected these two issues, especially because the alleged incident had occurred long before she made her request for a second entrance.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- In the end, will it just come down to how big a hit with female voter the repbulicans are prepared to wear in order to get their man through? Ford's testimony was credible and compelling, the prosecutor they hired was unable to find anything that damaged it. They know that by ignoring it they will make a lot of women, many of them silent victims of sexual assault themselves, angry and alienated from the party. They have to weigh this up against getting this political hack on the bench. It won't be the investigation, but this calculation that determines if they push him through