Why do all women want a strong man in their life?

Even shrill feminists like Christine Blasey Ford crave a strong man that can provide for her physiological needs and sexual desires.

Says the beggar

i want you… But i want you to want me too… Just like i want you…

Why would you want a weak man in your life?

If you are willing to be someone's partner what good is a weak partner that makes your life harder.

She lied you know?

Not all women. Only the sane ones.

Real women want a brainy man in their life

Mature emotionally stable people seek out relationships that are mutually supportive rather than relationships based on unequal power dynamics.

Many women want a man with brains, not just brawn.

Because they know they are the weaker sex.

But here's the thing.

How is strength measured in a man?

Is MLK stronger than Al Capone?


Both had their share of women.

You seriously thought it was a worth the waste of space on this page to ask that… And that's why I'm putting this useless answer here. LOL

You know, in Old Testament times 2 witnesses were required to bring a charge. If a mans life can be wrecked by a single female witness, we're ALL doomed! And I'm leaving the country. Can you say Due Process?