Why is my key getting hard to put into the ignition of my 02 Ford exploret, please no preposterous comments on the SUV besides the issue?
Why is my key getting hard to put into the ignition of my 02 Ford exploret, please no preposterous comments on the SUV besides the issue? - 1
Is it bent?
Are the edges worn down and round?
Shoot some WD-40 into the key hole and work the key in and out.
Go to the dealer with the VIN and have them cut you a new key. Don't have the old key copied. They have a code key cutting machine that uses the VIN to make a brand new key.
Usually it is because the pins in the cylinder are getting gummy or worn. A shot of graphite - I like the "liquid graphite" types that suspend graphite in kerosene - should free it up unless the lock was WD-40'd before.
Never, ever use WD-40 in locks, especially in dry climates. It does not seem so bad in humid climates but in dry climates it leaves a gummy residue that eventually leaves the lock inoperable. The only thing that relieves the gum is more WD-40, and then it is only for a few months. At work a few years ago I found myself with a few free hours and a padlock that was gummed up by WD-40. I tried a variety of solvents (about half a dozen of them), ending with parts dip, but nothing helped. Giving it another shot of WD-40 allowed it to work for a few weeks. Then it was toast.
I know this is controversial - some locksmiths love WD-40 and some wish it had never been made. As I say, in humid climates people rarely report problems. Here in the Southwest it is nothing but Trouble. That is not a chance you should take with a car lock cylinder.
It sounds like the tumblers in the lock are worn out and need replacing.
Worn lock or worn key
If the lock has ever had an oily product introduced such as WD-40, PB Blaster, or any kind of penetrating oil, it will need to be properly cleaned to remove sticky residue. I use either carb cleaner, electrical contact cleaner, or starting fluid. Flush and then dry with compressed air, or canned air, then add some graphite lubricant.
Apart from possible gunge wishing lock itself causing sticky issues with pins. And others suggestions for lube and cleaning ( all good stuff) is the actual key worn? Do we have a spare? Have we tried key in other locks?
Hi so it is falling apart inside so you should be needing a new lock and keys.
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