Why is ford laying off 7000 white collar workers?

Why is ford laying off 7000 white collar workers?

Maybe Ford hates collars?

Because they feel they can carry on with their business without them and avoid the costs of having excess employees.

To save the company

Because America is the worst nation to live in if you want a job. All the jobs go to China, India, or other such countries.

Because Ford is restructuring and anyone who doesn't work on pickups/SUVs or electric vehicles is no longer necessary.

GM is doing the same.

"Senior executives have said Ford is looking to flatten the organization by removing layers of management, reducing costs and giving managers more authority to make decisions while favoring lean operations and deciding which skills are needed now and for the future."

This has been in the planning for some time.

Because the economy is booming under a President who really understands how business works and is bringing manufacturing back to the US.

That's what Trumpsters call "MAGA".

To cut costs. It was proven that they didn't need that many. This was announced quite awhile back. It's 10% of the white collar work force world wide.

Dems cheering bad news for working people in order to gain power. Just another Monday.