Where the Ford production workers in Bridgend UK Which is to completely close in 2020 just. Hired-Hands?

Where the "Ford" production workers in Bridgend UK Which is to completely close in 2020 just…"Hired-Hands"?

I can't figure out what your question is. Could you please re-phrase it?

Hired Hands sounds more like the people hired on a Dude Ranch.
Employees would be a better choice of word.

No. The vast majority are contracted Ford employees.

What else would you call them, executives? Every factory worker is basically a hired hand.

Face the facts, British built cars are junk and Jaguar makes no money for the ford motor company.
Fords market for right side driver cars is in the Australian marketplace so the UK is being eliminated.

All employees there and in other sites are in fact hired hands. Contractors excepted. As to British built cars being junk? Obviously unaware quality match with Toyota. Honda. Having pant here and expecting to Japan etc world class engineering .racing cars. Etc so suspect a bit of a bait against Uk? No matter million of others are not so narrow minded. Sad Plant closing but many ford plants are. Destined to go same way. Competition.costs .shipping etc all pay a part as does politics! Leaving EU not helpful either.